12 if ( ! defined(
'WPINC' ) ) {
138 include_once(
'includes/class-admin-approve-entries.php' );
141 add_action(
'wp_head', array( $this,
'prevent_render_form' ) );
142 add_action(
'wp_footer', array( $this,
'prevent_render_form' ) );
145 add_action(
'wp', array( $this,
'prevent_maybe_process_form' ), 8 );
146 add_action(
'admin_init', array( $this,
'prevent_maybe_process_form' ), 8 );
148 add_filter(
'gravityview_is_edit_entry', array( $this,
'is_edit_entry') );
150 add_action(
'gravityview_edit_entry', array( $this,
'init' ), 10, 4 );
153 add_filter(
'gform_has_conditional_logic', array( $this,
'manage_conditional_logic' ), 10, 2 );
156 add_filter(
'gform_plupload_settings', array( $this,
'modify_fileupload_settings' ), 10, 3 );
159 add_filter(
'gform_pre_validation', array( $this,
'gform_pre_validation') );
162 add_filter(
'gravityview/edit_entry/field_value_multiselect', array( $this,
'fix_multiselect_value_serialization' ), 10, 3 );
177 if(
'wp_head' === current_filter() ) {
178 add_filter(
'__return_empty_string' );
180 remove_filter(
'__return_empty_string' );
196 gravityview()->log->debug(
'GravityView_Edit_Entry[prevent_maybe_process_form] Removing GFForms::maybe_process_form() action.' );
198 remove_action(
'wp', array(
'maybe_process_form'), 9 );
199 remove_action(
'wp', array(
'maybe_process_form'), 9 );
201 remove_action(
'admin_init', array(
'maybe_process_form'), 9 );
202 remove_action(
'admin_init', array(
'maybe_process_form'), 9 );
213 && ( ! empty( $_GET[
'edit'] ) );
224 return !empty( $_POST[ self::$nonce_field ] );
241 self::$original_entry =
242 $this->entry =
246 self::$original_entry =
250 self::$original_form = GFAPI::get_form( $this->entry[
'form_id'] );
251 $this->form = self::$original_form;
253 $this->form_id = $this->entry[
278 public function init( $gv_data = null,
$entry = null,
$view = null, $request = null ) {
280 require_once( GFCommon::get_base_path() .
'/form_display.php' );
281 require_once( GFCommon::get_base_path() .
'/entry_detail.php' );
289 if (
$view && ! $gv_data->views->count() ) {
290 $gv_data->views->add(
$view );
294 if ( $gv_data->has_multiple_views() && ! $this->
verify_nonce() ) {
295 gravityview()->log->error(
'Nonce validation failed for the Edit Entry request; returning' );
301 gravityview()->log->error(
'User is not allowed to edit this entry; returning', array(
'data' => $this->entry ) );
321 wp_register_script(
'gform_gravityforms', GFCommon::get_base_url().
'/js/gravityforms.js', array(
'gravityview-fe-view' ) );
323 GFFormDisplay::enqueue_form_scripts( $this->form ? $this->form :
$gravityview_view->getForm(), false );
325 wp_localize_script(
'gvGlobals', array(
'cookiepath' => COOKIEPATH ) );
327 wp_enqueue_script(
328 wp_enqueue_script(
329 wp_enqueue_script(
332 wp_enqueue_style(
'gform_admin_icons' );
343 if ( empty( $_POST ) || ! isset( $_POST[
'lid'] ) ) {
351 gravityview()->log->error(
'Nonce validation failed.' );
355 if ( $this->entry[
'id'] !== $_POST[
'lid'] ) {
356 gravityview()->log->error(
'Entry ID did not match posted entry ID.' );
360 gravityview()->log->debug(
'$_POSTed data (sanitized): ', array(
'data' => esc_html( print_r( $_POST,
true ) ) ) );
366 if( $this->is_valid ) {
368 gravityview()->log->debug(
'Submission is valid.' );
378 unset( $_GET[
'page'] );
380 add_filter(
'__return_true' );
390 do_action(
$form, $this->entry[
'id'], $this, $gv_data );
392 GFFormsModel::save_lead(
$form, $this->entry );
420 do_action(
'gravityview/edit_entry/after_update', $this->form, $this->entry[
'id'], $this, $gv_data );
423 gravityview()->log->error(
'Submission is NOT valid.', array(
'entry' => $this->entry ) );
446 $unset_hidden_field_values = apply_filters(
true, $this );
448 $this->unset_hidden_calculations = array();
450 if ( ! $unset_hidden_field_values ) {
455 $entry_meta_table = GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta_table_name();
456 $current_fields = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM $entry_meta_table WHERE entry_id=%d", $this->entry[
'id'] ) );
458 $lead_detail_table = GFFormsModel::get_lead_details_table_name();
459 $current_fields = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d", $this->entry[
'id'] ) );
473 if ( GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $this->form,
$field, array(), $this->entry ) ) {
475 $empty_value =
476 is_array(
$field->get_entry_inputs() ) ? array() :
480 if (
$field->has_calculation() ) {
481 $this->unset_hidden_calculations[] =
485 $lead_detail_id = GFFormsModel::get_lead_detail_id( $current_fields,
$input_id );
487 GFFormsModel::update_lead_field_value( $this->form, $this->entry,
$field, $lead_detail_id,
$input_id, $empty_value );
491 $post_input_id =
'input_' . str_replace(
$input_id );
492 $_POST[ $post_input_id ] =
508 $has_approved_field =
510 foreach ( self::$original_form[
'fields'] as
$field ) {
511 if ( $field->gravityview_approved ) {
512 $has_approved_field =
517 if ( ! $has_approved_field ) {
521 $is_field_hidden =
523 foreach ( $this->form[
'fields'] as $field ) {
524 if ( $field->gravityview_approved ) {
525 $is_field_hidden =
530 if ( ! $is_field_hidden ) {
534 add_filter(
'gravityview/approve_entries/update_unapproved_meta', array( $this,
'prevent_update_unapproved_meta' ), 9, 3 );
546 remove_filter(
'gravityview/approve_entries/update_unapproved_meta', array( $this,
'prevent_update_unapproved_meta' ), 9 );
548 if ( !
$value = gform_get_meta(
'is_approved' ) ) {
552 $value = apply_filters(
$value );
568 $files = GFCommon::json_decode( stripslashes( RGForms::post(
'gform_uploaded_files' ) ) );
569 if ( ! is_array( $files ) ) {
577 add_filter(
"gform_save_field_value_$form_id", array( $this,
'save_field_value' ), 99, 5 );
579 RGFormsModel::$uploaded_files[
$form_id ] = $files;
603 $input_name =
'input_' . str_replace(
$input_id );
605 if (
$field->multipleFiles ) {
613 if ( empty( $_FILES[ $input_name ][
'name'] ) ) {
632 return $plupload_init;
635 $plupload_init[
'max_files'] = 0;
637 return $plupload_init;
656 if(
$field->has_calculation() ) {
657 unset(
'fields'][ $k ] );
660 $field->adminOnly =
662 if( isset(
$field->inputs ) && is_array(
$field->inputs ) ) {
663 foreach(
$field->inputs as $key => $input ) {
664 $field->inputs[ $key ][
'id' ] = (string)$input[
669 $form[
'fields'] = array_values(
'fields'] );
677 $form = self::$original_form;
681 $entry = GFAPI::get_entry( $this->entry[
'id'] );
684 $entry_meta_table = GFFormsModel::get_entry_meta_table_name();
685 $current_fields = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM $entry_meta_table WHERE entry_id=%d",
'id'] ) );
687 $lead_detail_table = GFFormsModel::get_lead_details_table_name();
688 $current_fields = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM $lead_detail_table WHERE lead_id=%d",
'id'] ) );
692 if ( ! empty( $this->fields_with_calculation ) ) {
694 $allowed_fields = wp_list_pluck( $allowed_fields,
'id' );
696 foreach ( $this->fields_with_calculation as
$field ) {
698 if ( in_array( $field->id, $this->unset_hidden_calculations,
true ) ) {
702 $inputs = $field->get_entry_inputs();
703 if ( is_array( $inputs ) ) {
704 foreach ( $inputs as $input ) {
707 if (
'product' === $field->type ) {
708 $input_name =
'input_' . str_replace(
'_', $input[
'id'] );
713 $_POST[ $input_name ] =
$entry[ $input[
'id'] ];
717 if ( ! in_array(
$field_id, $allowed_fields ) ) {
718 $_POST[ $input_name ] =
$entry[ $input[
'id'] ];
722 GFFormsModel::save_input(
$form, $field,
$entry, $current_fields, $input[
'id'] );
726 if ( ! in_array( $field->id, $allowed_fields ) ) {
727 $_POST[
'input_' . $field->id ] =
$entry[ $field->id ];
729 GFFormsModel::save_input(
$form, $field,
$entry, $current_fields, $field->id );
733 if ( method_exists(
'commit_batch_field_operations' ) ) {
734 GFFormsModel::commit_batch_field_operations();
762 if ( !empty( $_FILES[ $input_name ][
'name'] ) ) {
772 $img_title = count(
$ary ) > 1 ?
$ary[1] :
773 $img_caption = count(
$ary ) > 2 ?
$ary[2] :
774 $img_description = count(
$ary ) > 3 ?
$ary[3] :
777 'post_excerpt' => $img_caption,
778 'post_content' => $img_description,
782 if ( ! empty( $img_title ) ) {
790 require_once
794 if ( $media_id &&
$field->postFeaturedImage ) {
795 set_post_thumbnail(
$post_id, $media_id );
798 } elseif ( ! empty( $_POST[ $input_name ] ) && is_array(
$value ) ) {
800 $img_url = stripslashes_deep( $_POST[ $input_name ] );
801 $img_title = stripslashes_deep( \
GV\Utils::_POST( $input_name .
'_1' ) );
802 $img_caption = stripslashes_deep( \
GV\Utils::_POST( $input_name .
'_4' ) );
803 $img_description = stripslashes_deep( \
GV\Utils::_POST( $input_name .
'_7' ) );
805 $value = ! empty( $img_url ) ? $img_url .
"|:|" . $img_title .
"|:|" . $img_caption .
"|:|" . $img_description :
807 if (
$field->postFeaturedImage ) {
810 'ID' => get_post_thumbnail_id(
$post_id ),
811 'post_title' => $img_title,
812 'post_excerpt' => $img_caption,
813 'post_content' => $img_description,
824 if (
$field->postFeaturedImage ) {
841 if( empty( $this->entry[
'post_id'] ) ) {
842 gravityview()->log->debug(
'This entry has no post fields. Continuing...' );
850 gravityview()->log->error(
'The current user does not have the ability to edit Post #{post_id}', array(
'post_id' =>
$post_id ) );
854 $update_entry =
856 $updated_post = $original_post = get_post(
$post_id );
866 if( GFCommon::is_post_field(
$field ) &&
'post_category' !==
$field->type ) {
873 $entry_tmp[
"{$field_id}"] =
879 if ( \
'postTitleTemplateEnabled' ) ) {
882 $updated_post->post_title = $post_title;
883 $updated_post->post_name = $post_title;
884 unset( $post_title );
889 if ( \
'postContentTemplateEnabled' ) ) {
892 $updated_post->post_content = $post_content;
893 unset( $post_content );
896 $updated_post->post_excerpt =
901 case 'post_category':
903 case 'post_custom_field':
908 if( ! empty(
$field->customFieldTemplateEnabled ) ) {
924 $this->entry[
"{$field_id}"] =
926 $update_entry =
933 if( $update_entry ) {
935 $return_entry = GFAPI::update_entry( $this->entry );
937 if( is_wp_error( $return_entry ) ) {
938 gravityview()->log->error(
'Updating the entry post fields failed', array(
'data' => array(
'$this->entry' => $this->entry,
'$return_entry' => $return_entry ) ) );
940 gravityview()->log->debug(
'Updating the entry post fields for post #{post_id} succeeded', array(
'post_id' =>
$post_id ) );
945 $return_post = wp_update_post( $updated_post,
true );
947 if( is_wp_error( $return_post ) ) {
948 $return_post->add_data( $updated_post,
'$updated_post' );
949 gravityview()->log->error(
'Updating the post content failed', array(
'data' => compact(
'return_post' ) ) );
951 gravityview()->log->debug(
'Updating the post content for post #{post_id} succeeded', array(
'post_id' =>
'data' => $updated_post ) );
970 require_once
981 if( $do_shortcode ) {
1000 do_action(
'gform_after_update_entry', self::$original_form, $this->entry[
'id'], self::$original_entry );
1001 do_action(
"gform_after_update_entry_{$this->form['id']}", self::$original_form, $this->entry[
'id'], self::$original_entry );
1004 $entry = RGFormsModel::get_lead( $this->entry[
'id'] );
1006 $entry = GFFormsModel::set_entry_meta(
$entry, self::$original_form );
1008 if ( version_compare( GFFormsModel::get_database_version(),
'<' ) ) {
1011 foreach ($this->form[
'fields'] as $key =>
$field) {
1012 GFFormsModel::refresh_lead_field_value(
$field->id );
1021 if ( $allowed_feeds = $this->view->settings->get(
'edit_feeds', array() ) ) {
1022 $feeds = GFAPI::get_feeds( null,
'form_id'] );
1023 if ( ! is_wp_error( $feeds ) ) {
1024 $registered_feeds = array();
1025 foreach ( GFAddOn::get_registered_addons() as $registered_feed ) {
1026 if ( is_subclass_of( $registered_feed,
'GFFeedAddOn' ) ) {
1027 if ( method_exists( $registered_feed,
'get_instance' ) ) {
1028 $registered_feed = call_user_func( array( $registered_feed,
'get_instance' ) );
1029 $registered_feeds[ $registered_feed->get_slug() ] = $registered_feed;
1033 foreach ( $feeds as $feed ) {
1034 if ( in_array( $feed[
'id'], $allowed_feeds ) ) {
1035 if ( $feed_object = \
GV\Utils::get( $registered_feeds, $feed[
'addon_slug'] ) ) {
1036 $returned_entry = $feed_object->process_feed( $feed,
$entry, self::$original_form );
1037 if ( is_array( $returned_entry ) && rgar( $returned_entry,
'id' ) ) {
1038 $entry = $returned_entry;
1041 do_action(
'gform_post_process_feed', $feed,
$entry, self::$original_form, $feed_object );
1042 $slug = $feed_object->get_slug();
1043 do_action(
"gform_{$slug}_post_process_feed", $feed,
$entry, self::$original_form, $feed_object );
1063 if(
'edit_locking' ) ) {
1065 $locking->maybe_lock_object( $this->entry[
'id'] );
1070 <div
"wpfooter"></div><!-- used
for locking message -->
1073 var ajaxurl =
'<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php
', 'relative
' ); ?>';
1076 <div
1086 ?><h2
1094 $edit_entry_title = apply_filters(
'gravityview_edit_entry_title', __(
'Edit Entry',
'gk-gravityview'), $this );
1096 echo esc_attr( $edit_entry_title );
1104 <form method=
"post" id=
"gform_<?php echo $this->form_id; ?>" enctype=
1108 wp_nonce_field( self::$nonce_key, self::$nonce_key );
1110 wp_nonce_field( self::$nonce_field, self::$nonce_field,
false );
1119 gform.addFilter(
function ( reset, formId, targetId, defaultValues, isInit ) {
1140 if ( \
'action' ) !==
'update' ) {
1151 $enable_paged_edit = apply_filters(
false, $this->form );
1153 if ( GFCommon::has_pages( $this->form ) && $enable_paged_edit ) {
1155 'cancel' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1156 'submit' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1157 'next' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1158 'previous' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1169 $labels = apply_filters(
$labels, $this->form, $this->entry, $this->view_id );
1174 $back_link = remove_query_arg( array(
'gvid' ) );
1176 if( ! $this->is_valid ){
1179 $validation_message =
"<div class='validation_error'>" . __(
'There was a problem with your submission.',
'gk-gravityview') .
" " . __(
'Errors have been highlighted below.',
'gk-gravityview') .
1180 $message = apply_filters(
"gform_validation_message_{$this->form['id']}", apply_filters(
"gform_validation_message", $validation_message, $this->form), $this->form);
1184 } elseif (
false === $this->is_paged_submitted ) {
1186 $entry_updated_message = sprintf( esc_attr__(
'Entry Updated.',
'gk-gravityview' ),
'<a href="' . esc_url(
$back_link ) .
'</a>' );
1195 $message = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/page/success', $entry_updated_message , $this->view_id, $this->entry );
1200 $edit_redirect =
'edit_redirect' );
1201 $edit_redirect_url =
'edit_redirect_url' );
1203 switch ( $edit_redirect ) {
1207 $entry_updated_message = sprintf( esc_attr_x(
'Entry Updated. %sReturning to Entry%s',
'Replacements are HTML',
'<a href="'. esc_url( $redirect_url ) .
'</a>' );
1212 $entry_updated_message = sprintf( esc_attr_x(
'Entry Updated. %sReturning to %s%s',
'Replacement 1 is HTML. Replacement 2 is the title of the page where the user will be taken. Replacement 3 is HTML.',
'<a href="'. esc_url( $redirect_url ) .
'">', esc_html(
$view->post_title ),
'</a>' );
1216 $redirect_url = $edit_redirect_url;
1217 $redirect_url = GFCommon::replace_variables( $redirect_url, $this->form, $this->entry,
'text' );
1218 $entry_updated_message = sprintf( esc_attr_x(
'Entry Updated. %sRedirecting to %s%s',
'Replacement 1 is HTML. Replacement 2 is the URL where the user will be taken. Replacement 3 is HTML.',
'<a href="'. esc_url( $redirect_url ) .
'">', esc_html( $edit_redirect_url ),
'</a>' );
1223 $entry_updated_message = sprintf( esc_attr__(
'Entry Updated. %sReturn to Entry%s',
'<a href="'. esc_url(
$back_link ) .
'</a>' );
1227 if ( isset( $redirect_url ) ) {
1228 $entry_updated_message .= sprintf(
'<script>window.location.href = %s;</script><noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=%s" /></noscript>', json_encode( $redirect_url ), esc_attr( $redirect_url ) );
1242 $message = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/success', $entry_updated_message, $this->view_id, $this->entry,
$back_link, isset( $redirect_url ) ? $redirect_url : null );
1262 do_action(
'gravityview/edit-entry/render/before', $this );
1264 add_filter(
'gform_pre_render', array( $this,
'filter_modify_form_fields'), 5000, 3 );
1265 add_filter(
'gform_submit_button', array( $this,
'render_form_buttons') );
1266 add_filter(
'gform_next_button', array( $this,
'render_form_buttons' ) );
1267 add_filter(
'gform_previous_button', array( $this,
'render_form_buttons' ) );
1268 add_filter(
'__return_true' );
1270 add_filter(
'gform_field_input', array( $this,
'verify_user_can_edit_post' ), 5, 5 );
1271 add_filter(
'gform_field_input', array( $this,
'modify_edit_field_input' ), 10, 5 );
1274 unset( $_GET[
'page'] );
1276 $this->show_next_button =
1277 $this->show_previous_button =
1280 if ( GFCommon::has_pages( $this->form ) && apply_filters(
false ) ) {
1281 if ( intval( $page_number = \
'gform_source_page_number_' . $this->form[
'id'], 0 ) ) ) {
1284 'cancel' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1285 'submit' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1286 'next' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1287 'previous' => __(
'gk-gravityview' ),
1298 $labels = apply_filters(
$labels, $this->form, $this->entry, $this->view_id );
1300 GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $this->form[
'id'] ][
'form' ] =
1301 GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $this->form[
'id'] ][
'is_valid' ] =
1303 if ( \
'save' ) ===
'next'] ) {
1304 $last_page = \GFFormDisplay::get_max_page_number( $this->form );
1306 while ( ++$page_number < $last_page && RGFormsModel::is_page_hidden( $this->form, $page_number, \
'gform_field_values' ) ) ) {
1308 } elseif ( \
'save' ) ===
'previous'] ) {
1309 while ( --$page_number > 1 && RGFormsModel::is_page_hidden( $this->form, $page_number, \
'gform_field_values' ) ) ) {
1313 GFFormDisplay::$submission[ $this->form[
'id'] ][
'page_number'] = $page_number;
1316 if ( ( $page_number = intval( $page_number ) ) < 2 ) {
1317 $this->show_next_button =
1320 $last_page = \GFFormDisplay::get_max_page_number( $this->form );
1322 $has_more_pages = $page_number < $last_page;
1324 if ( $has_more_pages ) {
1325 $this->show_next_button =
1327 $this->show_update_button =
1330 if ( $page_number > 1 ) {
1331 $this->show_previous_button =
1334 $this->show_update_button =
1339 $html = GFFormDisplay::get_form( $this->form[
true, $this->entry );
1343 remove_filter(
'gform_pre_render', array( $this,
'filter_modify_form_fields' ), 5000 );
1344 remove_filter(
'gform_submit_button', array( $this,
'render_form_buttons' ) );
1345 remove_filter(
'gform_next_button', array( $this,
'render_form_buttons' ) );
1346 remove_filter(
'gform_previous_button', array( $this,
'render_form_buttons' ) );
1347 remove_filter(
'__return_true' );
1348 remove_filter(
'gform_field_input', array( $this,
'verify_user_can_edit_post' ), 5 );
1349 remove_filter(
'gform_field_input', array( $this,
'modify_edit_field_input' ), 10 );
1358 do_action(
'gravityview/edit-entry/render/after', $this );
1386 if(
'id'] != $this->form_id ) {
1391 if( isset( $this->form_after_validation ) && $this->form_after_validation[
'id'] ===
'id'] ) {
1399 $form = $this->prefill_conditional_logic(
$form );
1402 if( ! self::$supports_save_and_continue ) {
1403 unset(
'save'] );
1426 if( ! GFCommon::is_post_field(
$field ) ) {
1427 return $field_content;
1433 if( null === get_post( $this->entry[
'post_id'] ) ) {
1438 $message = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/no_post_text', __(
'This field is not editable; the post no longer exists.',
'gk-gravityview' ) );
1439 } elseif(
false === current_user_can(
'edit_post', $this->entry[
'post_id'] ) ) {
1444 $message = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/unsupported_post_field_text', __(
'You don’t have permission to edit this post.',
'gk-gravityview') );
1448 $field_content = sprintf(
'<div class="ginput_container ginput_container_' .
$field->type .
'">%s</div>', wpautop( $message ) );
1451 return $field_content;
1466 public function modify_edit_field_input( $field_content =
$field = null,
$value =
'', $lead_id = 0,
$form_id = 0 ) {
1475 && ! GFCommon::is_product_field(
$field->type )
1476 || ! empty( $field_content )
1477 || in_array(
$field->type, array(
'honeypot' ) )
1479 return $field_content;
1483 $field->adminOnly =
1500 $warnings = ob_get_clean();
1502 if( !empty( $warnings ) ) {
1524 $override_saved_value = apply_filters(
$field );
1527 if( isset(
$field->inputs ) && is_array(
$field->inputs ) && !in_array(
$field->type, array(
'date' ) ) ) {
1532 $allow_pre_populated =
1534 foreach ( (array)
$field->inputs as $input ) {
1538 if ( isset( $this->entry[
$input_id ] ) && !
gv_empty( $this->entry[ $input_id ],
false ) ) {
1540 $allow_pre_populated =
1545 $pre_value =
$field->get_value_submission( array(),
false );
1551 $id = intval(
$field->id );
1554 $pre_value =
$field->allowsPrepopulate ? GFFormsModel::get_parameter_value(
$field->inputName, array(),
$field ) :
1558 $field_value = isset( $this->entry[ $id ] ) && !
gv_empty( $this->entry[ $id ],
false ) && ! ( $override_saved_value && !
gv_empty( $pre_value,
false ) ) ? $this->entry[ $id ] : $pre_value;
1562 $categories = array();
1563 foreach ( explode(
$field_value ) as $cat_string ) {
1564 $categories[] = GFCommon::format_post_category( $cat_string,
true );
1566 $field_value =
'multiselect' ===
$field->get_input_type() ? $categories : implode(
'', $categories );
1618 foreach ( array(
'allowedExtensions' ) as $key ) {
1619 $field->{$key} = isset( $field->{$key} ) ? $field->{$key} : NULL;
1622 switch( RGFormsModel::get_input_type(
$field ) ) {
1636 $input_name =
1647 if( !empty( $_FILES[ $input_name ] ) && !empty( $_FILES[ $input_name ][
'name'] ) ) {
1648 $file_path = GFFormsModel::get_file_upload_path(
'id'], $_FILES[ $input_name ][
'name'] );
1649 $value = $file_path[
1655 $_FILES[ $input_name ] = array(
'name' =>
'size' =>
'' );
1659 if ( \
'multipleFiles' ) ) {
1662 if ( isset( GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[
$form_id ][ $input_name ] ) ) {
1666 }
else if ( GFCommon::is_json(
$value ) ) {
1668 global $_gf_uploaded_files;
1670 $_gf_uploaded_files[ $input_name ] =
1675 GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[
$form_id ][ $input_name ] =
1678 $this->entry[ $input_name ] =
1679 $_POST[ $input_name ] =
1685 if( !isset( $_POST[
$field->id ] ) ) {
1686 $_POST[
'input_'.$field->id ] = NULL;
1711 if ( class_exists(
'GF_User_Registration' ) ) {
1712 remove_filter(
'gform_validation', array( GF_User_Registration::get_instance(),
'validate' ) );
1713 }
else if ( class_exists(
'GFUser' ) ) {
1714 remove_filter(
'gform_validation', array(
'user_registration_validation' ) );
1723 add_filter(
'gform_validation_'. $this->form_id, array( $this,
'custom_validation' ), 10, 4);
1726 $failed_validation_page = NULL;
1727 $field_values = RGForms::post(
'gform_field_values' );
1731 unset( $this->form[
'limitEntries'], $this->form[
'scheduleForm'] );
1736 $this->is_valid = GFFormDisplay::validate( $this->form, $field_values, 1, $failed_validation_page );
1738 remove_filter(
'gform_validation_'. $this->form_id, array( $this,
'custom_validation' ), 10 );
1760 gravityview()->log->debug(
'GravityView_Edit_Entry[custom_validation] Validation results: ', array(
'data' => $validation_results ) );
1762 gravityview()->log->debug(
'GravityView_Edit_Entry[custom_validation] $_POSTed data (sanitized): ', array(
'data' => esc_html( print_r( $_POST,
true ) ) ) );
1766 foreach ( $validation_results[
'fields'] as $key => &
$field ) {
1768 $field_type = RGFormsModel::get_input_type(
$field );
1769 $is_required = ! empty(
$field->isRequired );
1770 $failed_validation = ! empty(
$field->failed_validation );
1774 if ( $is_required && !$failed_validation && rgblank(
$value ) ) {
1775 $field->failed_validation =
1776 $field->validation_message = esc_html__(
'This field is required.',
'gk-gravityview' );
1781 switch ( $field_type ) {
1785 if ( $is_required && $failed_validation && ! empty(
$value ) ) {
1786 $field->failed_validation =
1788 unset(
$field->validation_message );
1795 if ( \
'maxFiles' ) && \
'multipleFiles' ) ) {
1796 $input_name =
'input_' .
1798 $file_names = isset( GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[ $validation_results[
'id'] ][ $input_name ] ) ? GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[ $validation_results[
'id'] ][ $input_name ] : array();
1808 $count_files = ( is_array( $file_names ) ? count( $file_names ) : 0 ) +
1811 if ( $count_files >
$field->maxFiles ) {
1812 $field->validation_message = __(
'Maximum number of files reached',
'gk-gravityview' );
1813 $field->failed_validation =
1817 GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[ $validation_results[
'id'] ] = null;
1825 if( !empty(
$field->failed_validation ) ) {
1827 gravityview()->log->debug(
'GravityView_Edit_Entry[custom_validation] Field is invalid.', array(
'data' => array(
'field' =>
'value' =>
$value ) ) );
1829 switch ( $field_type ) {
1836 $field->failed_validation =
1837 unset(
$field->validation_message );
1843 if( empty(
$field->failed_validation ) ) {
1849 if( !empty(
$field->noDuplicates ) ) {
1857 $field->failed_validation =
1859 unset(
$field->validation_message );
1861 gravityview()->log->debug(
'GravityView_Edit_Entry[custom_validation] Field not a duplicate; it is the same entry.', array(
'data' =>
$entry ) );
1868 if( GFFormDisplay::is_empty(
$field, $this->form_id ) && empty(
$field->isRequired ) ) {
1869 unset(
$field->validation_message );
1870 $field->failed_validation =
1880 $validation_results[
'is_valid'] = $gv_valid;
1882 gravityview()->log->debug(
'GravityView_Edit_Entry[custom_validation] Validation results.', array(
'data' => $validation_results ) );
1885 $this->form_after_validation = $validation_results[
1887 return $validation_results;
1898 if( empty( $this->entry ) ) {
1924 $properties =
$view->fields ?
$view->fields->as_configuration() : array();
1930 $edit_fields = !empty( $properties[
'edit_edit-fields'] ) ? $properties[
'edit_edit-fields'] : NULL;
1933 $fields = $this->filter_fields(
'fields'], $edit_fields );
1946 $fields = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/form_fields', $fields, $edit_fields,
$view_id );
1964 private function filter_fields( $fields, $configured_fields ) {
1966 if( empty( $fields ) || !is_array( $fields ) ) {
1970 $edit_fields = array();
1972 $field_type_blocklist = $this->loader->get_field_blocklist( $this->entry );
1974 if ( empty( $configured_fields ) && apply_filters(
false ) ) {
1975 $field_type_blocklist = array_diff( $field_type_blocklist, array(
'page' ) );
1979 foreach ( $fields as $key =>
$field ) {
1983 if(
$field->has_calculation() ) {
1984 $this->fields_with_calculation[] =
1988 if( in_array(
$field->type, $field_type_blocklist ) ) {
1989 unset( $fields[ $key ] );
1995 if ( empty( $configured_fields ) ) {
1997 $out_fields = array();
1999 foreach ( $fields as &
$field ) {
2008 $render_hidden_field = apply_filters(
true, $field );
2010 if (
'hidden' === $field->type && ! $render_hidden_field ) {
2014 if (
'hidden' == $field->visibility ) {
2021 return array_values( $out_fields );
2025 foreach ( $configured_fields as $configured_field ) {
2028 foreach ( $fields as
$field ) {
2029 if( intval( $configured_field[
'id'] ) === intval( $field->id ) && $this->user_can_edit_field( $configured_field,
false ) ) {
2038 return $edit_fields;
2053 if( empty( $field_setting[
'show_label'] ) ) {
2054 $return_field->label =
2055 } elseif ( !empty( $field_setting[
'custom_label'] ) ) {
2056 $return_field->label = $field_setting[
2059 if( !empty( $field_setting[
'custom_class'] ) ) {
2060 $return_field->cssClass .=
' '. gravityview_sanitize_html_class( $field_setting[
'custom_class'] );
2067 $return_field->pageNumber = 1;
2069 return $return_field;
2096 $use_gf_adminonly_setting = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/use_gf_admin_only_setting', empty( $edit_fields ),
$view_id );
2098 if( $use_gf_adminonly_setting &&
false ===
'gravityforms_edit_entries', $this->entry[
'id'] ) ) {
2099 foreach( $fields as $k =>
$field ) {
2100 if(
$field->adminOnly ) {
2101 unset( $fields[ $k ] );
2104 return array_values( $fields );
2107 foreach( $fields as &
$field ) {
2108 $field->adminOnly =
2130 if ( empty( $field->choices ) ) {
2134 foreach ( $field->choices as &$choice ) {
2135 if ( \
GV\Utils::get( $choice,
'isSelected' ) ) {
2136 $choice[
'isSelected'] =
2159 function prefill_conditional_logic(
$form ) {
2161 if( ! GFFormDisplay::has_conditional_logic(
$form ) ) {
2169 if(
'checkbox' === $field->type ) {
2170 foreach ( $field->get_entry_inputs() as $key => $input ) {
2172 $choice = $field->choices[ $key ];
2174 $match = RGFormsModel::choice_value_match( $field, $choice,
$value );
2176 $field->choices[ $key ][
'isSelected'] =
2184 if( floatval(
$field_id ) === floatval( $field->id ) ) {
2186 if(
'list' === $field->type ) {
2189 $list_field_value = array();
2190 foreach ( (array) $list_rows as $row ) {
2191 foreach ( (array) $row as $column ) {
2192 $list_field_value[] = $column;
2196 $field->defaultValue = serialize( $list_field_value );
2225 $the_form = GFAPI::get_form(
'id'] );
2226 $editable_ids = array();
2228 $editable_ids[] = $field[
2230 $remove_conditions_rule = array();
2231 foreach ( $the_form[
'fields'] as $field ) {
2232 if ( ! empty( $field->conditionalLogic ) && ! empty( $field->conditionalLogic[
'rules'] ) ) {
2233 foreach ( $field->conditionalLogic[
'rules'] as
$i => $rule ) {
2234 if ( ! in_array( $rule[
'fieldId'], $editable_ids ) ) {
2239 if ( $_field = GFAPI::get_field( $the_form, $rule[
'fieldId'] ) ) {
2240 $value = $_field->get_value_export( $this->entry );
2241 } elseif ( isset( $this->entry[ $rule[
'fieldId'] ] ) ) {
2242 $value = $this->entry[ $rule[
'fieldId'] ];
2244 $value = gform_get_meta( $this->entry[
'id'], $rule[
'fieldId'] );
2247 $match = GFFormsModel::matches_operation(
$value, $rule[
'value'], $rule[
'operator'] );
2250 $remove_conditions_rule[] = array( $field[
$i );
2257 if ( $remove_conditions_rule ) {
2258 foreach (
'fields'] as &$field ) {
2259 foreach ( $remove_conditions_rule as $_remove_conditions_r ) {
2261 list( $rule_field_id, $rule_i ) = $_remove_conditions_r;
2263 if ( $field[
'id'] == $rule_field_id ) {
2264 unset( $field->conditionalLogic[
'rules'][ $rule_i ] );
2265 gravityview()->log->debug(
'Removed conditional rule #{rule} for field {field_id}', array(
'rule' => $rule_i,
'field_id' => $field[
'id'] ) );
2272 $form[
'fields'] = array_values(
'fields'] );
2280 $use_conditional_logic = apply_filters(
$form );
2282 if( $use_conditional_logic ) {
2286 foreach(
'fields'] as &$field ) {
2288 $field->conditionalLogic = null;
2291 unset(
'conditionalLogic'] );
2309 return $has_conditional_logic;
2313 return apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/conditional_logic', $has_conditional_logic,
$form );
2340 if( !empty( $_POST[
'lid'] ) && !empty( $_GET[
'entry'] ) && ( $_POST[
'lid'] !== $_GET[
'entry'] ) ) {
2346 if( !empty( $_GET[
'entry'] ) && (
'id'] !== $_GET[
'entry'] ) {
2359 $error = __(
'The link to edit this entry is not valid; it may have expired.',
2365 $error = __(
'You do not have permission to edit this entry.',
2368 if( $this->entry[
'status'] ===
'trash' ) {
2369 $error = __(
'You cannot edit the entry; it is in the trash.',
'gk-gravityview' );
2373 if( empty( $error ) ) {
2377 if( $echo && $error !==
true ) {
2379 $error = esc_html( $error );
2384 if ( ! empty( $this->entry ) ) {
2385 $error .=
' ' .
'#', _x(
'Go back.',
'Link shown when invalid Edit Entry link is clicked',
'gk-gravityview' ), array(
'onclick' =>
"window.history.go(-1); return false;" ) );
2391 gravityview()->log->error(
'{error}', array(
'error' => $error ) );
2409 $error = __(
'You do not have permission to edit this field.',
2413 if( empty( $error ) ) {
2421 gravityview()->log->error(
'{error}', array(
'error' => $error ) );
2439 if(
GVCommon::has_cap( array(
'gravityview_edit_others_entries' ) ) ) {
2443 $field_cap = isset(
'allow_edit_cap'] ) ?
'allow_edit_cap'] :
2461 $valid = wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[ self::$nonce_field ], self::$nonce_field );
2470 $valid = wp_verify_nonce( $_GET[
'edit'], self::$nonce_key );
2479 $valid = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/verify_nonce', $valid, self::$nonce_field );
2491 if ( empty (
$field->storageType ) ||
$field->storageType !=
'json' ) {
2497 if ( $maybe_json ) {
2498 return implode(
',', $maybe_json );
2514 'cancel' => $this->view->settings->get(
'action_label_cancel', _x(
'Shown when the user decides not to edit an entry',
'gk-gravityview' ) ),
2515 'submit' => $this->view->settings->get(
'action_label_update', _x(
'Button to update an entry the user is editing',
'gk-gravityview' ) ),
2516 'next' => $this->view->settings->get(
'action_label_next', __(
'Show the next page in a multi-page form',
'gk-gravityview' ) ),
2517 'previous' => $this->view->settings->get(
'action_label_previous', __(
'Show the previous page in a multi-page form',
'gk-gravityview' ) ),
2528 $labels = apply_filters(
'gravityview/edit_entry/button_labels', $labels, $this->form, $this->entry, $this->view_id );
get_configured_edit_fields( $form, $view_id)
Get the Edit Entry fields as configured in the View.
"GRAVITYVIEW_DIR" "./" The absolute path to the plugin directory, with trailing slash ...
static getInstance( $passed_post=NULL)
Display the Edit Entry form.
static getInstance( $passed_post=NULL)
fill_post_template( $template, $form, $entry, $do_shortcode=false)
Convert a field content template into prepared output.
array $entry array $form array $field_settings
if(! function_exists( 'gravityview_sanitize_html_class')) gravityview_strip_whitespace( $string)
Replace multiple newlines, tabs, and spaces with a single space.
if(! isset( $gravityview)||empty( $gravityview->template)) $template
The entry loop for the list output.
filter_conditional_logic( $form)
Remove the conditional logic rules from the form button and the form fields, if needed.
Is the current page an Edit Entry page?
Display the Edit Entry form in the original Gravity Forms format.
static check_user_cap_edit_entry( $entry, $view=0)
checks if user has permissions to edit a specific entry
static generate_notice( $notice, $class='', $cap='', $object_id=null)
Display updated/error notice.
process_save_process_files( $form_id)
Have GF handle file uploads.
gravityview_get_link( $href='', $anchor_text='', $atts=array())
Generate an HTML anchor tag with a list of supported attributes.
gravityview_get_entry( $entry_slug, $force_allow_ids=false, $check_entry_display=true, $view=null)
Return a single entry object.
setup_vars( $view, $entry)
When Edit entry view is requested, set up key class variables.
save_field_value( $value='', $entry=array(), $field=null, $form=array(), $input_id='')
Make sure the fileuploads are not overwritten if no such request was done.
Perform actions normally performed after updating a lead.
If this file is called directly, abort.
Set visibility to visible and convert field input key to string.
Display success or error message if the form has been submitted.
static directory_link( $post_id=NULL, $add_query_args=true, $context=null)
Generate a URL to the Directory context.
Delete the value of fields hidden by conditional logic when the entry is edited.
gravityview_ob_include( $file_path, $object=NULL)
Get the contents of a file using include() and ob_start()
gform_pre_validation( $form)
Add field keys that Gravity Forms expects.
update_post_image( $form, $field, $field_id, $value, $entry, $post_id)
Handle updating the Post Image field.
process_save( $gv_data)
Process edit entry form save.
Force Gravity Forms to output scripts as if it were in the admin.
manage_conditional_logic( $has_conditional_logic, $form)
Disable the Gravity Forms conditional logic script and features on the Edit Entry screen...
check_user_cap_edit_field( $field)
checks if user has permissions to edit a specific field
prevent_update_unapproved_meta( $value, $form, $entry)
Done once from self::preset_approval_fields.
__construct(GravityView_Edit_Entry $loader)
static get_associated_field( $gf_field)
Alias for get_instance()
user_can_edit_field( $field, $echo=false)
Check whether a field is editable by the current user, and optionally display an error message Gravi...
static by_id( $post_id)
Construct a instance from a post ID.
static get_nonce_key( $view_id, $form_id, $entry_id)
Return a well formatted nonce key according to GravityView Edit Entry protocol.
merge_field_properties( $field, $field_setting)
Override GF Form field properties with the ones defined on the View.
Because we're mimicking being a front-end Gravity Forms form while using a Gravity Forms backend form...
get_field_value( $field)
Modify the value for the current field input.
verify_user_can_edit_post( $field_content='', $field=null, $value='', $lead_id=0, $form_id=0)
When displaying a field, check if it's a Post Field, and if so, make sure the post exists and current...
modify_fileupload_settings( $plupload_init, $form_id, $instance)
Remove max_files validation (done on gravityforms.js) to avoid conflicts with GravityView Late valida...
static is_single_entry()
Verify if user requested a single entry view.
static $supports_save_and_continue
Process validation for a edit entry submission.
Is the current nonce valid for editing the entry?
TODO: This seems to be hacky...
Display the Update/Cancel/Delete buttons for the Edit Entry form.
filter_modify_form_fields( $form, $ajax=false, $field_values='')
Modify the form fields that are shown when using GFFormDisplay::get_form()
static get( $array, $key, $default=null)
Grab a value from an array or an object or default.
The main GravityView wrapper function.
Is the current page an Edit Entry page?
Leverage gravityview/approve_entries/update_unapproved_meta to prevent the missing/empty approval fie...
gv_empty( $value, $zero_is_empty=true, $allow_string_booleans=true)
Is the value empty?
init( $gv_data=null, $entry=null, $view=null, $request=null)
Load required files and trigger edit flow.
static has_cap( $caps='', $object_id=null, $user_id=null)
Alias of GravityView_Roles_Capabilities::has_cap()
maybe_update_post_fields( $form)
Loop through the fields being edited and if they include Post fields, update the Entry's post object...
user_can_edit_entry( $echo=false)
Check if the user can edit the entry.
if(false !==strpos( $value, '00:00')) $field_id
string $field_id ID of the field being displayed
Returns labels for the action links on Edit Entry.
custom_validation( $validation_results)
Make validation work for Edit Entry.
fix_multiselect_value_serialization( $field_value, $field, $_this)
Multiselect in GF 2.2 became a json_encoded value.
filter_admin_only_fields( $fields=array(), $edit_fields=null, $form=array(), $view_id=0)
Remove fields that shouldn't be visible based on the Gravity Forms adminOnly field property...
Don't show any forms embedded on a page when GravityView is in Edit Entry mode.
static _POST( $name, $default=null)
Grab a value from the _POST superglobal or default.
unselect_default_values( $form)
Checkboxes and other checkbox-based controls should not display default checks in edit mode...